Spare the rod, spoil the Home Perm. No matter how hard I try, I always end up with a big mess. home permanent, straight hair, curly hair
Just about the time I smooth out one style debacle, I get tangled up in another. hair styles, bad hair
Which shade is right for me? You wouldn't believe it if I told you. hair, hair color, dye job, photoshop
When it comes to losing weight, we’re all in this together. working out, exercise class, zumba class, spinning class
Pay attention ladies. This is your one true resource for managing “The Change”. Menopause, Twelve days of menopause, The change
Just about the time I find the perfect pair of jeans, either the styles change (again) or my shape does! Mom jeans, Not Your Daughter's Jeans, Forever in Blue Jeans
Either my bathroom scale is defective, or I weigh exactly the same no matter what I do! losing weight, gaining weight, bathroom scale
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