02.12.13 Forget roses and violins. It's the stuff that comes AFTER I Do that measures true romance.
01.29.13 Forget touchy-feely advice from marriage counselors. Here's the REAL way to spar with your mate!
11.18.12 No matter how old or obsolete something is, my husband's still got its original warranty card!
11.04.12 What's the statute of limitations on how long I have to store my grown kids' stuff?
10.21.12 This etiquette expert really knows how to apply yesterday's rules of behavior to today's social situations
10.07.12 One of the worst parts about an empty nest is that your kids are no longer around to critique your appearance!
09.30.12 Do NOT try to tackle the job of raising adolescents without reading this manual!
09.23.12 This rather painful glimpse into our future reveals what my friends and I will look like in our eighties and nineties!
09.10.12 If my husband ever runs for President I hope you'll vote for him because I really, really want to be a First Lady.
09.02.12 It started out as an ordinary day at Kindergarten, and ended with an event I'll never forget!
08.27.12 I guess a girl never really forgets her first love, even if she was only eleven!
07.29.12 Forget gymnasts and shot putters. It's the women doing ordinary household chores that really deserve those gold medals!