
Kindergarten Class

I Saw the Whole Thing!: A Kindergarten Memory

It started out as an ordinary day at Kindergarten, and ended with an event I'll never forget! Continue Reading...

My ballerina granddaughter, Avery

Lowering the Barre: Pink Tights and Black Leotards – In Toddler Sizes!

We never outgrow our little girl dreams of becoming a ballerina. We just pass those dreams along to our daughters! Continue Reading...

Setting the stage

Up on the Roof: A Lofty Childhood Memory

Have ladder, will climb! It's a rule every three-year-old lives by. Continue Reading...

Armed with school supplies!

Book Learnin' and Life: Putting it to Good Use

Who knew that there would be a real-life application for all the junk I learned in school? Continue Reading...

My first Alamo visit

Remember the Alamo?: Living Up to Lofty Recollections

When it comes to childhood memories, one thing is clear. Size matters. Continue Reading...

The Survivor

Riding in Cars with Dads: A Hare-Raising Experience

There's something about family car travel that can push a father right over the edge! Continue Reading...

Don't be left behind!

Follow Me To VBS!: The Steeple Chase is On!

If a smart Mom plays her cards right, she can enroll her kids in a different summer Vacation Bible School every week! Continue Reading...

Doing What I Do Best

Sleeping Like a Baby, at Any Age!: A Solution for Slumber

If you follow my nighttime remedy, the “rest” is easy! Continue Reading...

My Backyard Swing

How Do You Like to Go Up in a Swing?: Childhood’s Way to Take Flight

Of all life’s simple pleasures, none can compare with a swing under the branch of a tree! Continue Reading...

Where it all happened

A Tattle Tale: What happened in 1960 no longer stays in 1960

After half a century it’s time this story finally came to light. Continue Reading...

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