
Twas the Week Before Christmas: A Holiday Recollection

In the midst of my mess I discovered what mattered the most! Continue Reading...

Cutting a Few Corners

My Intended-To Thanksgiving: It Sounded Good on Paper

I made a list, and checked it twice. Then I totally ignored it. Continue Reading...

A Moving Experience

Silent Night, From a New Perspective: This Time It's Personal

I've always loved the song, but now it has a whole new meaning! Continue Reading...

All she wants for Christmas

The “What If” Christmas: A Different Sort of List

Do you ever contemplate what would happen if you just didn't do the hassle-y holiday stuff one year? Continue Reading...

The Real Turket Experts!

Talking Turkey: Our Family's Thanksgiving Menu

The more things change, the more things stay the same – especially when it comes to our family's Thanksgiving menu! Continue Reading...

Steggy in 1986

The Stalwart Stegosaurus: A Dinosaur Tail

Here is a tale sure to dispel the notion that dinosaurs are extinct! Continue Reading...

Christmas night - 20 minutes old!

The Christmas Baby: This is one birthday I'll NEVER forget!

What’s your most memorable Christmas Day? Mine took place in a Maternity Ward! Continue Reading...

It Was Always Thus

The First Thanksgiving With Teenagers: This holiday was NO picnic!

Even back in 1621 adolescents were bringing their own special joy to the table. Continue Reading...

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