So, just whose school assignment is this, anyway? As a Mom, sometimes it's hard to tell. Mom does kid's homework, Normal Rockwell, term paper
What Will I Be Like at 94? Thanks to Photoshop I Have A Horrible Sneak Preview! Old age, aging gracefully
During football season there's no better badge of honor to wear on your chest! Homecoming mu, football season
By the time my youngest child graduated from high school, he wasn't the only one who had “checked out”! graduation, senioritis for Moms, high school
Who knew a simple piano recital would end up being a performance of courage? Piano recital, playing in the dark, rain
I think I’m the only one who hasn’t gone wireless. Like it or not, it’s time to sync or swim. wireless, handheld device, electronic gadget, Blackberry
From start to finish, my first year of junior high was a total disaster. Forty-five years later I'm finally able to laugh about it! Seventh grade, 7th grade, junior high
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In this case the beholder was my Dad. Golden Rooster, Fred Astair, dancing, pregnant
I’m All Thumbs and None of Them Are Green growing tomatoes, homegrown tomatoes, you say tomato
Flattery will get you everything, except a simple “thank you.” saying thank you, compliments, flattery
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