I always had a weird word-food association, but until watching Jeopardy, I never knew it was an official phenomenon! Lexical-Gustatory Synesthesia, word food association, synesthesia
When I remember my grandmother, I know why they call this "ANGEL food" cake!" dessert, angel food cake, recipe
It's that time of year again. If your holiday is stressing you out, maybe you're focusing on the wrong thing. tis the season, Christmas, holiday
I must not be wired for direct communication. It's a good thing God can straighten out my jumbled prayers! prayer, praying, computers, God
Not in the mood to read a heavy meal? I’ve got just the thing for you! writing style, good clean writing
I’ve decided to simplify my life by a process of elimination. To Do List, on hold, I can do without that
I've come up with a failsafe method for food preparation that is so simple you'll wonder why no one ever thought of it before! cookbook, timesaving recipes, crock pot lasagna
When it came to serving in my kids' classroom, I was an over-eager-Beaver! classroom volunteer, room mother, xiphosura crab
Here’s how the title of a game show became a rule to live by. You Don't Say, deviled eggs, game show You Don't Say
In my case, watching TV has never been a passive activity. interactive tv, television, talking to the tv
This search engine ignores words with less than four letters.