Here are a few little tidbits you might not know about me. I'll save the rest for later. How well do you know, Robert Goulet, Stewball
One of the worst parts about an empty nest is that your kids are no longer around to critique your appearance! Teenager, appearance, flying blind
So what’s the best way to convince your husband to buy a new dryer? Strategery, of course! cloth diapers, hanging out clothes, strategery
There's cool, there's way cool, there's uber cool. Then there's me. rebellious teenager, hippies, sixties generation
Our 1959 Buick may have been streamlined and cool, but it sure made a lousy off-road vehicle. Monahans Sanhills State Park, the Sandhills, 1959 Buick
When my granddaughter lost her favorite toy, it was déjà vu all over again. lost toys, Cars 2, Michael Banks, plastic zoo animals
I've always loved the song, but now it has a whole new meaning! Silent Night, Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity
Who knew a simple little game could have such a far-reaching impact? Rock Paper Scissors, childhood game
I did my best to raise him right, but my son became a health nut anyway! apple doesn't fall far from the tree, healthy eating, Jason
When our kids were teenagers they not only had to find work over the summer, they had to hear about the jobs we had when we were their age! summer jobs, teenage employment
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