Yes, there really is a huge, enormous, colossal, gargantuan difference between boys and girls! difference between boys and girls
I guess a girl never really forgets her first love, even if she was only eleven! Barbie Game, Ken, Bob, Tom, Poindexter, first romance
After half a century it’s time this story finally came to light. next door neighbors, parents out of town, fight
There's something about family car travel that can push a father right over the edge! car travel, dads and discipline
Today I am going to talk about aerobic exercise. That is the ONLY thing I plan to do about Aerobic exercise. walking, exercise, aerobics, walk the walk
When it comes to embarrassing moments, this one's at the top of my list! fake hairpiece, fall hairpiece
Just think, if Babe Ruth had started out this young, he might have been a really great ball player! Blastball, rules of Blastball, Little Boys of Summer
The reason why Ken Griffey, Jr. belongs in the Hall of Fame has nothing to do with baseball! Ken Griffey Jr. Rookie Card, baseball
Whover said "Don't sweat the small stuff" must not have been a mom. Sweating the small stuff (and the medium stuff and the big stuff and the REALLY big stuff) is part of our job description! Worry, college, kids
I taught my kids everything they know, unless they do something stupid. Then it’s someone else’s fault! taking credit for your kids, gak the cave boy, take credit
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