When my husband goes out beachcombing there’s no telling what he’ll come back with. Dentures, Lost and Found, Beachcoming, Waikiki Beach, Hawaii
This is one gadget that comes with a lifetime guarantee! Grapes of Wrath, Joads, lifetime mom, beach outing
When my granddaughter lost her favorite toy, it was déjà vu all over again. lost toys, Cars 2, Michael Banks, plastic zoo animals
My grandmother would be amazed at all the gadgets in my kitchen. She would also be horrified to discover all the homemaking skills I've lost because of them. lost art of homemaking, domestic skills, homemaking
June, July and August are packed with excitement. Unless, of course, you live with teenagers! summer, teenagers, boredom
Are you a true blue pal? Then I’ve got just the job for you! new friend, making a new friend
Either my bathroom scale is defective, or I weigh exactly the same no matter what I do! losing weight, gaining weight, bathroom scale
In the midst of my mess I discovered what mattered the most! Christmas, Christmas memories, holiday poem
What Will I Be Like at 94? Thanks to Photoshop I Have A Horrible Sneak Preview! Old age, aging gracefully
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In this case the beholder was my Dad. Golden Rooster, Fred Astair, dancing, pregnant
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