Pay attention ladies. This is your one true resource for managing “The Change”. Menopause, Twelve days of menopause, The change
What Will I Be Like at 94? Thanks to Photoshop I Have A Horrible Sneak Preview! Old age, aging gracefully
Our 1959 Buick may have been streamlined and cool, but it sure made a lousy off-road vehicle. Monahans Sanhills State Park, the Sandhills, 1959 Buick
I can’t remember a thing – unless it’s in a silly song! Bob Hope, Happy Birthday, wrinkles in the brain, Hello Muddah Hello Faddah
When it comes to appliances sometimes it's hard to let go. refrigerator, fridge magnets, appliances
Our kids never had to wonder what Dad thought they should do after college. His philosophy rang loud and clear. EMPLOYMENT is job one! job, employment, career
When my husband goes out beachcombing there’s no telling what he’ll come back with. Dentures, Lost and Found, Beachcoming, Waikiki Beach, Hawaii
Forget roses and violins. It's the stuff that comes AFTER I Do that measures true romance. Valentine, How Do I Love Thee?, Elizabeth Barret Browning
I may be on a diet, but that doesn't stop me from thinking about my favorite meal! pot roast, oven aroma, Sunday dinner
This little necklace is a symbol of my faith, in a lot more ways than one! Jerusalem Cross, faith, symbol of faith, Christian faith, Proverbs 3:3
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