I'm making a list...and another...and another...
I know God wants me to know the fullness of His blessings. Why am I so reluctant to receive them? God's blessings, open wide
When our kids were teenagers they not only had to find work over the summer, they had to hear about the jobs we had when we were their age! summer jobs, teenage employment
Who knew that learning to read music would teach me so much about life? Rest note, music
Do you ever contemplate what would happen if you just didn't do the hassle-y holiday stuff one year? Christmas hassles, holiday, what if
Life is a series of choices. Making the right one isn’t always easy. making bad choices, good choices, but for me and my house we will serve the Lord
Forget roses and violins. It's the stuff that comes AFTER I Do that measures true romance. Valentine, How Do I Love Thee?, Elizabeth Barret Browning
I already know who and what I'm taking with me! Baptist Hymnal, desert island game, bob hope, old testament Joseph
I don't like to borrow trouble, but apparently I'll borrow just about anything else. borrowing, lending, Ten Commandments, borrow, neighbor
When it comes to time management, this is my school of thought. piranha, Japanese capsule hotel, time management
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