SOS! I need a gift idea for our thirty-seventh wedding anniversary! Somebody HELP me! wedding anniversary, anniversary gift ideas
By the time my youngest child graduated from high school, he wasn't the only one who had “checked out”! graduation, senioritis for Moms, high school
The junk I inherited isn't worth a plug nickel, but I wouldn't take a million bucks for it! keepsakes, family heirlooms
Forget self-help books and fancy seminars. Everything I need to know about sales I learned from the Girl Scouts. girl scouts, girl scout cookies
We never outgrow our little girl dreams of becoming a ballerina. We just pass those dreams along to our daughters! ballet lessons, pirouettes, ballerina
It started out as an ordinary day at Kindergarten, and ended with an event I'll never forget! First Presbyterian Church, kindergarten, crane, cross
So, just whose school assignment is this, anyway? As a Mom, sometimes it's hard to tell. Mom does kid's homework, Normal Rockwell, term paper
Do you ever wonder how certain quotes came about? Now and then I just take a wild guess. What price vanity, quote
There are those who generously share their recipes, and those who keep them under lock and key! Neiman Marcus cookie recipe, secret recipe, recipe ingredients
Solomon may have been wise, but one of his investments sure has me scratching my head. investment, wise investor, Solomon, Madame Alexander doll
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