I've just been elected Chairman of the Board - the Ironing Board, that is. ironing, Chairman of the Ironing Board, spit it out in my hand
Forget touchy-feely advice from marriage counselors. Here's the REAL way to spar with your mate! fighting, fight, domestic quarrel, party-of-the-first-part
From start to finish, my first year of junior high was a total disaster. Forty-five years later I'm finally able to laugh about it! Seventh grade, 7th grade, junior high
From the Kitchen of Marshall Jolly bread, recipe
I know you're only supposed to turn your clock back one hour for Daylight Savings Time, but once I turned mine back twenty-five years! Daylight Savings Time, seventies fashions
I guess a girl never really forgets her first love, even if she was only eleven! Barbie Game, Ken, Bob, Tom, Poindexter, first romance
When it comes to losing weight, we’re all in this together. working out, exercise class, zumba class, spinning class
I first published this article on being a mom back in 1997, and guess what. I still feel exactly the same way about it today. being a mom, full time mom, empty nest
If a smart Mom plays her cards right, she can enroll her kids in a different summer Vacation Bible School every week! Vacation Bible School, steeple chase, summer vacation
I have everybody’s John Hancock, except John Hancock’s! collecting autographs, signed books
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