Now really…who would give a cat a haircut? That's what I'm trying to find out! cat haircut, innocent until proven guilty
When it comes to some parenting issues, two heads are definitely better than one! haircut, justice and mercy, parenting
You wouldn't believe the shape I'm in these days. What I need is a little spiritual boot camp! drop and give me twenty, Boot Camp, discipline, recruit
Life is a series of choices. Making the right one isn’t always easy. making bad choices, good choices, but for me and my house we will serve the Lord
When my granddaughter lost her favorite toy, it was déjà vu all over again. lost toys, Cars 2, Michael Banks, plastic zoo animals
Move over, Della Street. I've fallen hard for Perry Mason! Perry Mason, Della Street
Sometimes when I feel least deserving, that's when I receive the sweetest mercy. hymn, hymnal, at the cross, such a worm as i, sinners such as i
The junk I inherited isn't worth a plug nickel, but I wouldn't take a million bucks for it! keepsakes, family heirlooms
Even back in 1621 adolescents were bringing their own special joy to the table. thenksgiving, teenagers
Solomon may have been wise, but one of his investments sure has me scratching my head. investment, wise investor, Solomon, Madame Alexander doll
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