Forget gymnasts and shot putters. It's the women doing ordinary household chores that really deserve those gold medals! olympics, summer olympics, domestic chores
When it comes to the challenges of life, unlike some sports teams, real women can't just “sit this one out!” 1996 Women's Gymnastics team, Olympics, exemptions
This is one holiday that needs a serious makeover. Fortunately for everybody, I'm just the person to do it! New Year, New Years Day, holiday
I've just been elected Chairman of the Board - the Ironing Board, that is. ironing, Chairman of the Ironing Board, spit it out in my hand
Here’s a Mother’s Day sentiment worth the price of a stamp. Mother's Day, Mother's Day card, 1 vs. 100
My grandmother would be amazed at all the gadgets in my kitchen. She would also be horrified to discover all the homemaking skills I've lost because of them. lost art of homemaking, domestic skills, homemaking
When our kids were teenagers they not only had to find work over the summer, they had to hear about the jobs we had when we were their age! summer jobs, teenage employment
I wouldn’t go to this much trouble for just anybody. Mother of the Groom, fiancee, White Out
Solomon may have been wise, but one of his investments sure has me scratching my head. investment, wise investor, Solomon, Madame Alexander doll
My granddaughter got a late start at talking. Now everything she says is like music to my ears! starting to talk, speech delayed, a word is worth a thousand pictures
This search engine ignores words with less than four letters.