Talk about a lack of focus! My whole life should be a No Phone Zone! no phone zone, distracted driving, focus driven
Do you ever contemplate what would happen if you just didn't do the hassle-y holiday stuff one year? Christmas hassles, holiday, what if
This etiquette expert really knows how to apply yesterday's rules of behavior to today's social situations Emily Past, etiquette, manners
Are you planning a party for your preteen daughter? I hate to spoil the surprise, but she's not going to like ANYTHING you do! Aloha, Hawaii, Luau, Hula
It started out as an ordinary day at Kindergarten, and ended with an event I'll never forget! First Presbyterian Church, kindergarten, crane, cross
After thirty-eight years of marriage, my husband and I are now officially cranially connected. finishing each other's sentences, marriage, thinking alike
Have you perfected the art of putting things off? Take this quiz and find out (if you ever get around to it!) Procrastination, putting it off,
My granddaughter got a late start at talking. Now everything she says is like music to my ears! starting to talk, speech delayed, a word is worth a thousand pictures
What do proper etiquette and teenage boys have in common? Absolutely NOTHING!! manners for teenagers, teenage ettiquette
The words of poet John Leaf Whittier are ringing in my ear. "For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest of these is 'I wish I'd taken that photo when I had the chance.'" Hesitation, Procrastination, Inspiration
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