Lee Ann Lewis Guestbook

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Carolyn Maffettone said:

I loved the sense of humor and the lighter side of life outlook --very very funny!

Lee Ann Lewis said: [ See Comment Stimulus ]

Melanie, I wish you well in your quest to "find your voice"!  Remember, many times it is wisdom, rather than volume, that speaks loudest.  Lee Ann

Melanie Evans said:

I enjoyed reading your writings, and I am trying to find my full voice after being mom to threee ina row witha spouse very different from me.

Becky Layfield said:

Love your website!!! IT is great to see Christians still make light of everyday situations!! Be blessed and keep up the funny work!!

Kelly McGlade said:

Wow, What A Great Place, Thank You For Making Today A Tickle Day!!! Keep Up The Great Work!! Your Sight Is Wonderful!!

Mary Romano said:

Love your writting, am living the life with 3 college students, was adjusting to empty nest living when my oldest one moved back. Now it is adult female trouble, she just does not get that this is my house, my kitchen etc. It's good that I am an overwork EMS employee who lives to come home and clean her kitchen after having not used it for weeks.

Leslie Moore said: [ See Comment Stimulus ]

Though I would be considered your daughter's generation (born in 1976), I can appreciate all you witty thoughts and experiences and relate to some as I am trying to grow my 4 children up to be men and women in Christ. I hope I have the humor and grace to pull it off without a)killing either myself or one of my children :) or b)becoming bald (through pulling out my hair in frutstration)! I will continue to come back and read more. I need the laughs and inspiration. Glad I ran across you and "liked" you on Facebook. See, it's good for something!

Joan Haselman said:

HIGH-FIVE to you, Lee Ann. Before Women's Lib, there was genuine wisdom,
as in "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar". And, it was St. Francis de Sales who was the author of that quote. Who knew?

judy rees said:

your great

Andrea Knickerbocker said:

Lee Ann, what fun! I just found your stuff on the web and am throughly enjoying it. I still remember a poem you submitted to "Candle in the Wind" our high school literary magazine - I think that says a lot about your talent for writing if I can still remember it some (uh, let's see now......) 39 years later.
OMG I suddenly feel old.
My best to you - Andy

Joan Oliver said:


Aileen Blank said:

I have enjoyed reading your comments and articles. I love hearing from a fellow Christian with a wonderful perspective on this life on earth.

Liane aka LeAne Heinrich said: [ See Comment Stimulus ]

I was initially drawn to your site, because we share the same name. I was delighted to read all your comments.
You are a precious and hillarious lady in Christ. God Bless you. I live in St. Cloud Fl, that's Central Fl, about 30 miles south east of Orlando.
It is my prayer for your that you will be able to keep expressing yourself in this way and that, you continue to bless those of us in this generation that we share.
Your sister in Christ,
Liane Heinrich

Sharon Middleton said:

I love your story about peanut butter sandwiches!!!I love to eat them too-simple and very good.Have a good night.

Marie Young said: [ See Comment Stimulus ]

I absolutely love your sense of humor. Your column on children repeating what you say reminded me of my grandmother.

Sara Carpenter said:

"Learning to Cook from the REAL Masters" made me tear up! I miss Mama Jewel and Annabelle's kitchen in Clyde and the big meals (and great sweets that followed)! It wasn't just about the food, it was about the family all getting together to sit down for a meal together, but boy was the food good!! So glad I come from great genes and creaky houses and tough stubborn great women (and men!) aren't you? Thanks for writing it all down so I can share this all with my kiddos someday!

Teresa Mangino said: [ See Comment Stimulus ]

I absolutely LOVE your page !!!! I can relate to EVERYTHING, EVERY TOPIC that you put a voice to. The "HEAVENLY EGGS" story reminded me of my sweet Grandmother Shelton....and the crock pot, hahaha, i think my first one was avocado or was it harvest gold... Thank you for your talented humor, which always brings a smile and sunshine to my life daily ! God bless you, keep our heads rattling around, occasionally a thought of my youth rolls out and brings a smile to my heart as well as my face !!!

sue gaunt said: [ See Comment Stimulus ]

i love your sense of humour

jeanie said:

Just found yall. Love it hope to be able to stay in touch....

Lee Ann Lewis said: [ See Comment Stimulus ]

Margie, I'm so glad you found my website.  I post a fresh article every Monday; plus there are a lot more of them to read if you click on the Articles tab at the top of the screen, so whenever you need a laugh, "take two as needed".  I hope you're feeling better soon!  Lee Ann

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